Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, the Temecula Shliach who inspired the world as he bravely battled ALS, will be the keynote speaker at the Global Mega-Farbrengen for 28 Nissan starting at 10 p.m. ET on Motzei Shabbos. Full story
Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz touched thousands of people with his passion for teaching and Yiddishkeit. Inspired by how he influences others even in his situation, the organizers of the 28 Nissan Mega-Farbrengen decided to focus on the theme “everyone is an influencer”.
Rabbi Yitzi’s ability to influence others to live more meaningful Jewish lives inspired the organizers of this year’s 28 Nissan Mega-Farbrengen. “He is an inspiration to so many people; it makes you wonder how many small ways we can each have a positive influence,” says Rabbi Shloime Naparstek, director of Moshiach’s office at Merkos 302.
Rabbi Yitzi will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Global Mega-Farbrengen for 28 Nissan, marking thirty-one years since the Rebbe delivered the landmark Chof Ches Nissan sicha, 5751. His story exemplifies the message of the day. “The Rebbe instructed each of us to do everything in our power to bring about Mashiach,” the rabbi says Mendy Kotlarsky, director of Merkos 302, “Chof Ches Nissan is a moment to ask ourselves what we are doing with our circle of influence that we each have.”
Just before the Chof Ches Nissan Mega-Farbrengen, the Moshiach office released the full program for the event, including Rabbi Hurwitz as keynote speaker. Filled with engaging presenters and helpful inspiration, the twenty-four hour event will begin Motzei Shabbos, the 29th of Nissan. The global gathering will go live at 10:00 p.m. New York time. Rabbis, Mashpiim, institutional leaders and business people will address the global Chabad community in English and Hebrew. Although each speaker brings their own unique experience to farbrengen, they will all focus on one thing: everyone is an influencer.
Click here to download the full presenter schedule, or see below.